Author’s Bio

Author Bio
Michael Ngang

In 1990 Michael was born to parents of Cameroon descent. Michaels family, his sisters Shirley and Michelle, grew up in Northwest Houston where gang influence was present. His parents worked long hours at their vending machine business so Shirley was essentially his parent growing up. Since Michael did not connect well with his parents, growing up was difficult. Fortunately, Michael, had a father figure in a neighbor, Mr.Baty, who helped teach him life skills. When Mr.Baty passed away while Michael was in middle school he felt like a piece of him was broken.
As a young person Michael was challenged to not fall under the influence of gangs or be swayed by peer pressure. Early on he learned that he didn’t need to impress other people to make friendships, being himself was a key. At the same time his fear of failure and competitive nature stopped him from doing anything he wasn’t comfortable doing. Michaels first powerful lesson in “trying on a new idea” occurred in middle school when he auditioned for a Lip Sync contest. Even though he didn’t win he was happy he tried.
Michael believes that until he let go of past trauma from his childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood, he wasn’t able to grow as a person. He also had to learn how to forgive. Today Michael says, “My power tool is to not let my peace be disturbed.” He hopes his books will influence children to be positive and have a clear mind so they can make wise decisions. Michael further states, “I want to push the word “can” for children and remove the word “can’t”, everything starts with a positive mindset.” Michael was always creative, by his example he hopes to inspire his readers to use a talent or gift, and continue to develop that talent until they can make their gift their profession.
Michael took a degree in finance at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Upon graduation, Michael worked as a project accountant for two oil gas corporations. But when he was laid off twice due to the shift in production in the oil gas industry, he knew the time had come to own his own business. Simultaneously his sister Shirley, who had just completed a Master’s degree, was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Later she went missing and was found homeless on the streets of Atlanta.
Shirley’s illness profoundly affected Michael and drove him to act on his passions. Thus Michael wrote No Color & Smile and created HyypeBooks to publish them. Each of his books inspire children that they can be different, come from a lower income home, have or deal with mental illness, or physical disabilities and still overcome challenges while impacting their community. Michael continues, “We all have a “smile” within us! and I know if we continue to spread that smile our society will be better off.” Today he works full time speaking at schools, libraries and events sharing his message anyway he can. Find him on his website as or Instagram& Facebook @Hyypebooks.